in our opinion the establishment of organic farming enables a reduction in the amount of chemical substances – like fertilizers and pesticides – released in the air, water and soil and absorbed by our bodies, with clearly positive overall results.
The use of products needed to run organic farms significantly protects agricultural workers, who would otherwise be exposed to massive amounts of the unhealthy substances contained in chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

Protecting future generations.
The risk of exposure to “massive doses” of toxic substances is significant even while still in the mother’s womb. Intensive monocropping and the use of chemical fertilizers depletes the soil and negatively effects the nutritional properties of food. In fact, organically-grown products have been shown to have higher levels of antioxidants.
Supporting small farms.
Organic products, which are often locally grown, limit pollution from road transport and the use of packaging, provide a strong stimulus to the local economy and preserve, or even improve, the region’s natural wealth. One result is the complete traceability of the product, or even direct knowledge of the producer and the production processes.
Organic products, which are often locally grown, limit pollution from road transport and the use of packaging, provide a strong stimulus to the local economy and preserve, or even improve, the region’s natural wealth. One result is the complete traceability of the product, or even direct knowledge of the producer and the production processes.
Promoting biodiversity.
An inherent part of organic production is the use of organic seeds that have not been genetically modified, or subjected to treatments that lead to similar results, and are native (typical of the region) whenever possible.
In a certain sense, an organic farm can be viewed as being equivalent to reforestation.
In short, organic production is not necessarily the most efficient method for producing food; rather, it is difficult, complicated and laborious.
On the other hand, it preserves biodiversity and local traditions, limits the use of chemical toxins, reduces environmental impact, ensures quality standards and offers complete traceability of the product.